"Science shows that you do not need to be a prisoner of the past. You can make sense of your life and free yourself from the early adaptations that helped you to survive - but that are now in need of updating. Now you can thrive, not just survive. You can take off the winter coat of defensive adaptation and free yourself to live fully in the present and create your own future. This is how you can connect to yourself, from the inside out."
- Daniel Siegel
Welcome! I believe in your capacity to "thrive, not just survive" no matter how impossible it may seem to you at the moment. I know it because I have done my own work and experienced the change from the inside out. I know it because I have witnessed so many powerful transformations in my clients who are the main source of inspiration for me in this work. I trust that whatever you are struggling with now is not your flaw or weakness - it's that "winter coat" you needed to survive in the cold of hostile environment. I believe that together we can bring more warmth, aliveness and light into your life, and you just won't need that protective layer anymore. You will feel safe to let it go and experience your life fully with every inch of your body, heart and mind.
I specialize in working with couples and individuals on RELATIONSHIP ISSUES and RELATIONAL TRAUMA. I have a special interest in working with HSPs (HIGHLY SENSITIVE PERSONS) and people with ADHD.